God is present

God is always present and available.
To know this inside out is a solid foundation for a prosperous life.

In this course you will learn valuable tools to become still and aware of God’s loving presence.
You may allow yourself to be synchronised with God’s heart
and experience that it is the power of God that makes things happen.

Our action in the first instance is to say yes to God’s “yes” to us and to accept God’s invitation to communion with him.
Our lives can then be a response to this.

HTMLFont size Inspiring teaching
23 lessons - 60 mins

Soothing meditations
18 meditations - 120 mins

Calming piano music
27 tracks - 100 mins

Receive and dwell
in God's loving presence.

What you will learn

  • How to quiet the mind and reduce stress

  • How to deepen your relationship with God

  • How to increase the awareness of God’s loving presence

  • What mindfulness is, and what it is in a Christian context

  • How to avoid being distracted by the turbulence of the mind

  • Practical tools for everyday use

Course curriculum:

  • 1

    How it works

    • How it works

  • 2

    God is here now

    • Nothing new under the sun

    • Being aware of God’s loving presence

    • No-demanding presence

    • Being close to God and ourselves

    • Guided meditation

  • 3

    Paying attention to God in the present moment

    • If not now, when?

    • Now is the right time

    • Your time is always here

    • Quality increases when we are present

    • Guided meditation

  • 4

    The distracted mind

    • God is near, regardless of how we feel

    • Unproductive thoughts

    • Meeting ourselves and others with love

    • Guided meditation

  • 5

    Breathing is rooted in love

    • Breathing here and now

    • Surrendering to the natural rhythm of breathing

    • Receive and give back

    • Guided meditation

  • 6

    Stress management, part 1

    • Stress

    • Causes of stress, part 1

    • Causes of stress, part 2

    • Sincerity

    • Guided meditation

  • 7

    Practice aids

    • The means are not the end

    • Starting positions

    • What to do with the arms and hands

    • Eyes open or closed?

    • Diet

    • Guided meditation

  • 8

    Bonus Material

    • Calm piano music - 27 tracks

    • Scripture meditation

    • Scripture meditation 3

    • Review of the day

    • Scripture meditation 2

    • Scripture meditation 4

    • Meditations in Norwegian

    • Meditations in Norwegian 2

The mind is like water.

When it is turbulent,
it is difficult to see.

When it is calm,
everything becomes clearer.


Øyvind Borgsø

Øyvind Borgsø is a teacher, spiritual companion, coach, author, innovator, and traveler.

For more than 10 years he has worked with physiotherapists, psychologists, priests, and counselors to explore the connections between the body, soul, and spirit.

Øyvind Borgsø has published two books, one DVD, four meditation CDs, and led more than 100 retreats in Norway, Denmark, England, Hong Kong, Syria, Indonesia and Morocco.

One of his personal transformational retreats was a 4-week silent retreat in a cave in the Syrian desert.

Øyvind’s certifications and core competencies:
- Deacon in the Church of Norway (Lutheran)
- Certified Christian retreat leader
- Certified Christian meditation teacher
- Certified Ignatian spiritual director
- Certified Life coach
- Certified Mindfulness teacher (MBSR)
- RYT 500

Exclusive offer

Students are eligible for a 30% discount
off private sessions with the instructor.
Topics include:

  • Your relationship with God - what kind of relationship do you want with God?
  • Daily walk with God
  • Experiences through the exercises and prayers
  • How to get the most out of the course
  • Increase your awareness of God’s loving presence
  • Overcome challenges and inner turbulence

You are invited into an open space where you are welcome to explore your relationship with God, nature, and yourself.
The goal is to improve the quality of your day-to-day life.



  • For how long will I have access to the course?

    You'll have lifetime access.

  • How often do you recommend to practice meditation?

    It depends on your expectations and daily life. Sometimes it is better to practice 1 minute 3 times than to have a bad conscience over not practicing 30 minutes.

  • Can I have a private session with the instructor without enrolling?


  • Can I ask someone a question if I experience something unexpected?

    Yes. You'll find the author's email address in the "Instructor section" on this page.

  • Can I enroll even if I've never practiced meditation or do not know anything about mindfulness?

    Yes. The course is suitable for everyone. The course has no specific prerequisites.